1. General terms.

1.1. This Privacy Policy describes how SIA Proforio, reg. 40103589525, Imantas 4. linija 9, Riga, Latvia (hereinafter referred to as “Data controller”) obtain, process and store personal data retrieved from clients and visitors of proforio.com / proforio.lv / proforio.eu (hereinafter referred to as “Data Subject” or “You”).

1.2. Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, i.e., the Data Subject. Processing is any activity related to personal data, such as obtaining, recording, modifying, using, viewing, erasing or destroying.

1.3. The Data Controller complies with the data processing principles provided for in the regulatory enactments and is able to confirm that personal data is processed in accordance with the applicable regulatory enactments.

2. Acquisition, processing and storage of personal data.

2.1. Personally identifiable information is obtained, processed and stored by the Data Controller mainly through the website and e-mail.

2.2. By visiting and using the services provided on the website, you agree that any information provided is used and managed in accordance with the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy.

2.3. The data subject is responsible for ensuring that the submitted personal data is correct, accurate and complete. Knowingly providing false information is considered a violation of our Privacy Policy. The data subject is obliged to immediately notify the Data Controller of any changes in the submitted personal data related to contact information and billing information.

2.4. The Data Controller is not responsible for damages caused to the Data Subject or third parties, if they are caused by falsely submitted personal data.

3. Processing Customer personal data

3.1. The data controller may process the following personal data:

3.1.1. Name and surname
3.1.2. Contact information (email address and/or phone number)
3.1.3. Transaction and payment data (address, personal identification number, billing e-mail, payment information, etc.).
3.1.4. Any other information submitted to us through website contact forms or emails.

3.2. In addition to the above, the Data Controller has the right to verify the accuracy of the submitted data using publicly available registers.

3.3. The legal basis for personal data processing is Article 6, Clause 1, subparagraph a), b), c) and f) of the General Data Protection Regulation:

a) the data subject has given consent to the processing of his personal data for one or more specific purposes;

b) the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a contracting party or for the performance of measures at the request of the data subject prior to the conclusion of the contract;

c) processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation attributable to the Data Controller;

f) processing is necessary to meet the legitimate interests of the Data Controller or a third party, except if the interests of the data subject or the fundamental rights and freedoms that require the protection of personal data are more important than such interests, especially if the data subject is a child.

3.4. The Data Controller stores and processes the Data Subject's personal data as long as at least one of the criteria below exists:

3.4.1. Personal data are necessary for the purposes for which they were received;
3.4.2. As long as the Data Controller and/or the Data Subject can realize their legitimate interests, such as submitting objections or bringing or bringing a lawsuit;
3.4.3. As long as there is a legal obligation to store the data, such as under the Act of Accounting;
3.4.4. As long as the Data Subject's consent to the relevant personal data processing is valid, if there is no other legal basis for personal data processing.

Izbeidzoties šajā punktā minētajiem apstākļiem, izbeidzas arī Datu subjekta personas datu glabāšanas termiņš un visi attiecīgie personas dati tiek neatgriezeniski izdzēsti no datubāzēm, sistēmām, elektroniskajiem un/vai papīra dokumentiem, kas saturējuši attiecīgos personas datus vai arī šie dokumenti tiek anonimizēti.

3.5. In order to fulfill its obligations to you, the Data Controller has the right to transfer your personal data to cooperation partners, data processors who carry out the necessary data processing on our behalf, for example, accountants, communication intermediary service providers, payment system providers, etc. However, only for cooperation partners whose services are necessary for the provision of the overall services approved by you. The data processor is the Data Controller of personal data.
Upon request, we may transfer your personal data to state and law enforcement authorities in order to defend our legal interests, if necessary, by drafting, submitting and defending legal claims.

3.6. When processing and storing personal data, the Data Controller implements organizational and technical measures to ensure the protection of personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, alteration, disclosure and any other illegal processing.

4. Processing of the Client business data

4.1. The processing of the customer's business data takes place within the framework of the offered services and is not published or disclosed to third parties in any way.
4.2. The processing of the customer's business data includes such activities as:

4.2.1. sending reminders and other messages to the client / tenant / lessee / the client himself;

4.2.2. creating summaries and performing calculations for this purpose;

4.2.3. offering recommendations.

4.2.4. inviting tenants / lessees to join the service, if you have performed such an action.

4.3. Personal data and contact information available in the customer's business data are not used for marketing activities (for example, sending special offers or news), unless the person himself has become a customer and has made a choice to receive information of this nature.

5. Rights of the Data subject

5.1. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the legislation of the Republic of Latvia, you have the right:
5.1.1. Access your personal data, receive information about their processing, as well as request a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transfer this data to another controller (data portability);
5.1.2. Request correction of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data;
5.1.3. Delete your personal data ("be forgotten"), except in cases where the law requires data retention;
5.1.4. Withdraw your previously given consent to the processing of personal data;
5.1.5. Limit the processing of your data - the right to request that we temporarily stop processing all your personal data;
5.1.6. Contact the Data State Inspectorate
You can submit a request for the exercise of your rights by writing to us at the electronic mail address info@proforio.com. Requests for data acquisition must be submitted with a secure electronic signature.

6. Cookies

6.1. This site including it's subdomains uses cookies.

6.1.1. Functional cookies (mandatory) - these cookies provide basic functionality for the site, for example, allows user registration, sign in and memorizing various user settings. Required cookie names are: sid, cid, proforio.

7. Final terms

7.1. This Privacy Policy has been developed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (April 27, 2016) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and which repeals Directive 95/46/EC ( General Data Protection Regulation), as well as the laws of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union in force.

7.2. The Data Controller has the right to make changes or additions to the Privacy Policy at any time and without prior notice. Amendments come into effect after they are published on the website proforio.com / proforio.lv / proforio.eu .

Date: 2023.10.12